The MJW Companies can provide expert professional and technician level support for the characterization and control of potential radiological hazards.
MJW Companies have provided high-quality field support on several domestic projects. Some examples include:
- Monitoring and oversight for construction and excavation where potential involvement of radioactive material exists
- GPS enhanced overland gamma surveys
- Radiological surveys
- Training for field crews
- Support for projects that are monitoring and handling Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) and
Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (TENORM)
- MARSSIM surveys and analysis to support free release of property per state and federal regulations
- Radioactive Waste Management support – Waste Certifying Official activities
- Support for waste characterization, packaging, shipment and disposal
- Development and execution of all manner of radiological safety and work documents
- Evaluation of potential dose rates and possible exposures